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Avery Lam

Always about doing the funny

I am not Ben, I am Avery. I am an 9th grader. My hobbies consist of playing games and robotics. 

This year I was on the vex IQ team 7700V. We went through several robot designs until we got this one. We made it to the world championship event and got the Think Award. 

Winning the Think Award at VEX Worlds.

This was my first year using the vex v5 system. My team and I managed to get to the state championship and the national championship. 

We decided to make a snail bot with a rubber band roller flywheel. The flywheel is a 1:5 gear ratio. Our front intakes are 600 rpm 1:3 gear ratio intakes. We also have an indexer that is 200 rpm. We have an indexer to make sure we can intake the ball and hold it there while we drive to go score it. We have a fast drive-base that has 600rpm motors with a 3:7 gear ratio.

This is another picture of the robot when we are setting up for skills.