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VEXIQ Remote Controls

Objective (what will they learn by the end of this lesson?)

Students will be able to link remote controls with the robot brain and use the default Driver Control settings.

Essential Keywords (vocabulary building)


  • Remote Control
  • Brain
  • Link
  • Tether Cable
  • Tank Drive
  • Arcade Drive


Materials (Optional)

Remote controls

Tether cables (if you are using 1st gen brains)



1.  Attention (5 Min.)

It’s time to drive our robots!


The default Driver Control program uses “tank drive.” Let’s learn about the difference between “tank drive” and “arcade drive!”


Comparison between Tank controls and Arcade controls


2. Learners Guidance (15-20mins)



3.  Explore/Activity (25 - 30 Min.)

Roboteers can drive their robots around an IQ team field. If you have paired two students per robot, set a timer for 2 - 3 minutes at a time and have the students take turns driving.


You can place available game objects into the field for the robots to interact with.


4. Share (Min.)

Students can discuss what they like about the default controls, and what kind of changes they would like to make when they program their own controls. 


5. Closure (Min.)

  • .Ask questions such as:

“How do you link the remote control to the brain?”

The student who answers correctly gets a treat, badge, NASA sticker, Rolling Robots sticker, etc.


6. Evaluate

  • Give feedback on each student's performance.


Essential Questions (ask these questions while students are exploring)

  • Do you find that it is easy or difficult to drive the robot?
  • How would you improve the controls? Would you like to add any features?
  • Do you think you would prefer arcade drive over tank drive? Why?