In this lesson we will learn how to build make our first program for the robot to move autonomously.
VEXIQ Coding with VEXcode Blocks
Roboteers will code their VEX robot to move using visual interface blocks
Essential Keywords
What can you do with a VEX IQ robot?
Learners Guidance
Students will program their robots to complete the “Tape Challenge!” In the Tape Challenge, two strips of tape will be placed on the floor with a few feet between them. The robots will start on one piece of tape, and be programmed to drive to the other piece of tape, turn around, and come back.
4. Share (Min.)
Students can discuss their thoughts on the code. How difficult was the Tape Challenge? What made it challenging? Was it difficult to understand how the code worked, or was the hard part figuring out the numbers?
5. Closure (Min.)
Ask questions such as:
“Do you think there is a difference between the blocks labeled “drive forward for this number of inches,” and the blocks that are just labeled “drive forward?” Would this difference apply to the turning blocks as well?
The student who answers correctly gets a treat, badge, NASA sticker, Rolling Robots sticker, etc.
6. Evaluate
Give feedback on each student's performance.
Essential Questions(ask these questions while students are exploring)
If the pieces of tape are three feet apart, how would you translate this into inches for your code?
How much does the robot have to turn in order for it to face the opposite direction and drive back?