VEXIQ Stack Game
VEXIQ Stack Game
- Cubes start in disoriented format on one side of the field.
- Cubes that are pushed across the middle line are going to be worth 1 point.
- Cubes in their corresponding color base will be worth 2 points.
- Cubes of the same color stacked on top of the same color bottom cube will x2 for the first one and x3 for the second one
- Cubes that are stacked but not color coordinated will be only worth 2 points
- 2 min driver and 1 min auton Skills Competition
Back to the course
LEGO Mindstorm EV3 Parts and Building
1.5 hours
Trouble Shooting VEX IQ
Setup for Auton
VEX IQ Maze (VRC Arena)
Full day camp (Typically the last day)