VEX V5 - Introduction to Code VEX V5 - Introduction to Code Please Enroll to view this lesson. Login Page Back to the course Advanced C++ for VEX Robotics VRC Competition Team VEX V5 - C++ Code Lessons Code Style Guide Set Up for This Course Object Oriented Programming in VEX code VEX V5 - Introduction to Code Turning by Encoders Prototypes and Implementation InchDrive Reversing Drive Code Device wizard Drive Straight VEX V5 - Encoder Sensors (Smart Motors) PID Control Vector Drive - Odometry Preview Competition Code VEX V5 - Inertial Sensor and Gyro Turn GyroTurn Proportional Control Line Sensors Motor Monitor function Callbacks Drive Base Code using Encoders V5 GUI for Auton Selector X-Drive VEX code Threads