Lesson 6: DriveBase
1. Attention (5 Min.)
Drive trains are the most important mechanism on your robt, as they provide a foundation for your robot and allow it to move around the field to score points. There are a number of different types of drives that each have their pros and cons when it comes to a given competition. The following video explains them well:
2. Learners Guidance
The Tank Drive
The tank drive is just a Drive that has a motor on the left side and a motor on the right side. If both motors turn at equal speeds the drive goes straight. If the Left side goes faster than the right, the drive will turn towards the right. To turn left the right motor turns faster than the left motor.
Each side can have one motor or several motors. On each side all motors turn at the same speed.
Wiring up the Robot
We will be using the included drive code for the first tests so there is a specific way to wire the motors. We will use port 1 for the left side motor and port 10 for the right side motor. The radio will be plugged into port 21 on the side of the brain. The battery is plugged in with a 4 wire power cable to the side of the brain.
3. Explore (25 - 30 Min.)
Have the student try to build a 3 Dimentional structure using c-channels without using any triangles. After about 10 minutes, take turns putting force on the structures to show how easy they bend or warp. Then, add more c- channels to form triangles. Once everyone is done, show how the structures are much more stable with the triangles than without.
4. Closure (5 Min.)
Have the students reflect on the importance of good building principles and discuss how they plan to incorporate them into their robot.