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We would like to have everyone learn at least basic programming


Develop and implement an autonomous code that scores points. It could be as simple as dropping a preload ring into an alliance goal. Or something more complicated that wins auton and a win point.


  1. Use a competition template details here
  2. Write code in functions for good format
  3. The robot must move some distance on the field
  4. the robot will score at least 1 point
  5. Bonus Likes for using encoders or other sensors.
Submit through gitHub

Create a folder with your name or initials in the git hub 7700VRC/TeamPrep

You Can do this through github desktop

Put the link to your code in your profile on this site.

/*                                                                            */
/*    Module:       main.cpp                                                  */
/*    Author:       VEX                                                       */
/*    Created:      Your Name - Date                                          */
/*    Description:  Code Assignment 1                                   */
/*                                                                            */




Extra Requirement. -  score at least 6 endgame points