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VEX Worlds Interview Schedule

Team Date PDT
7700A 4/21 6:00 PM
7700B 4/21 5:30 PM
7700C 4/20 4:30 PM
7700E 4/21 5:00 PM
7700K 4/21 4:30 PM
7700P 4/20 5:30 PM
7700R 4/20 6:00 PM
92305A 4/20 5:00 PM
7700V IQ 4/19 5:00 PM

The interview is in a question-answer format, with the judges asking questions and the student members answering. The team will have 10 minutes total to answer the following interview questions: 

  • Tell us some of the things your team is proud about this season, about some of the things your team has accomplished
  • Tell us about the most creative design solution on your robot
  • Does your team have an engineering notebook? (if yes) Please tell us, did your team start the notebook right away when your team started meeting, or was it later on?
  • (If notebook) Did you make entries in your notebook at all meetings, most meetings, or only a few meetings?
  • Tell us how your team developed your robot design.
  • Tell us how your team developed your gameplay and skills strategies
  • Tell us about your programming or autonomous code and how you are using sensors
  • Tell us how you designed your robot to be rugged and durable during competition
  • Is there anything else you would like to share with us regarding your team, your robot design, or your game strategy? (Optional)



Game Documents

All of the game rules etc can be found at the REC website Vex Robotics Competition under Game Resources.

Most all you need is found in the Game Manual. Appendix A is the field specification that includes details like the size and weight of the game elements. Appendix B details the skills competition.

Game Manual

The Game Manual is the rulebook. It is divided into topics:

  • Game Description An overview of how the game is played
  • Definitions A glossary of terms and their definitions.
  • Safety Rules. S Rules to keep everyone safe
  • Game Rules. G Rules to keep the game play fair. These rules typically stay the same from year to year
  • Specific Game Rules. SG Rules specific to this particular game.
  • Robot Rules. R Rules related to the design and build of the robo
  • Tournament Definition
  • Tournament Rules. T Rules

Link to forum updates

Appendix A Field Specification

Appendix A contains the field specification. This is where you will find the size and weight of the game and field elements. The field set up with positions of all game objects is here. Includes details of field assembly.

Appendix B - Robot Skills Challenge

Appendix B are the rules for the skills competition. Skills is when you have only one robot on the field striving to get the highest score. Skills scores go into the Worlds Rankings

World Skills Standings

See where your team stands in skills, filter by middle or high school. You may also want to filter by state so you can see where you stand in the state. These rankings are very important as the top teams may be invited to the state and world championships from this list.


The VRC HUB app includes a scoring calculator to make it easy to score games. It also includes the Game Manual and a timer

Documentation Portfolio App

Portfolio App

v5 vex clawbot
Moby v5

2021-2022 Hero Bot Moby Build Instructions.

Summer Camp 2021

Here is a google doc with notes and sample code Summer Camp Notes.

Judging Guide


Judge Guide

Inspection Document

Inspection Checklist

Online Challenges -- Due January 18, 2022 --

Each year the VEX competitions have online challenges that can be completed by teams and submitted online. These challenges can earn a qualification for worlds. The challenge results are also considered in the judging for the Excellence Award at Worlds.

All the details of the Online Challenges are at this link: 2021-2022 Online Challenges. We will be registering as a team so there is no need to register individually.