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Design Process

The Design Process is the basis for all of our work.  Our work should follow this order, our schedules should be based up on this and it is the outline for our notebook.  the notebook should tell the story of the design process.

Rolling Robots Design Process

1. Strategy and Requirements Development

Determine how you are going to play the game and how points are scored.  Determine the process for scoring and winning. Develop this into robot requirements.

2. Preliminary Design and Test

Build and test any conceptual designs that have uncertainty. preliminary design is where we remove the unknowns, not necessarily build the final robot. We will also try to minimize the features of our robot to only those required by our strategy.  It is ok and expected to be adding features later in the season.

3. Production Design and Build

This is where you design and build the robot you will use in competition.   This production Hardware should not be changed without cycling back through the design process.

4. Code

Develop autonomous and driver control code, automate as much as possible.

5. All Up Testing

Test as you compete, the robot is tested in conditions the same as will be at competitive events.  Results are measured and recorded so engineering decisions can be made.

Elon Musk 5 Step Process